Funeral of shot Met Police Sgt Matt Ratana, 54, will be live streamed

The funeral of a Metropolitan Police officer gunned down in a custody suite will be live streamed due to Covid-19 restrictions. 

New Zealand-born Sgt Matt Ratana was shot dead on September 25 in Croydon custody centre by a handcuffed suspect. 

The broadcast will allow friends and relations of the 54-year-old sergeant to follow his funeral from across the globe. 

Sgt Matt Ratana, pictured, was shot dead in a custody suite in Croydon, south London on September 25

Sgt Matt Ratana, pictured, was shot dead in a custody suite in Croydon, south London on September 25

Sgt Matt Ratana, pictured, was shot dead top in New York New York car service a custody suite in Croydon, south London on September 25

The popular police officer was due to retire in a few months. His partner Su Bushby and several colleagues will attend tomorrow's service

The popular police officer was due to retire in a few months. His partner Su Bushby and several colleagues will attend tomorrow's service

The popular police officer was due to retire in a few months. His partner Su Bushby and several colleagues will attend tomorrow’s service

The service and cremation in Sussex will be shown on the Met Police’s website and social media channels. It will also be shown in police stations across the capital.  

Due to Covid-19 rules, Sgt Ratana will not receive an honour guard with fellow officers lining the funeral procession route. 

According to<a style="font-weight: bold;" class="class" rel="nofollow noreferrer noopener" target="_blank" website The Sun, Sgt Ratana’s partner Su Bushby, family, several colleagues and members of East Grinstead Rugby Club will attend the funeral. 

Last month, an inquest into Sgt Ratana’s death opened at Croydon Coroner’s Court.   

The inquest heard Mr Ratana was taken to St George’s Hospital in Tooting but he was pronounced dead at 4.20am. 

No members of Mr Ratana’s family, including his partner Su Bushby, were present for the hearing, although Mr Ratana’s son in Australia was among those listening in remotely.

Sarah Ormond-Walshe, senior coroner for south London, adjourned the hearing until a further date.


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