A is for Amazon: Google’s autocomplete alphabet

Taunts and abusive comments written in teenage ‘text speak’ remained visible on Hannah’s Ask.fm profile yesterday, which Hannah last used on Thursday.

In her final days, she had been branded a ‘cow’ and ‘fat sl**’ — but had also been praised on her appearance and told she was ‘fit’ by others.

Now call me cynical, but it would seem the fewer replies the council receives, the less real evidence they will have to go on, and the greater opportunity they will have to do whatever the hell they want.

A woman with a sore throat answered the telephone, sounding all appraised out. She said there had been a more user-friendly letter intended for widespread circulation but — stone the crows, well I never, what are the chances of that happening?

— the wrong one was distributed. So I contacted the council to discuss this.

To prove his point, he presented a slide showing the recent versions available in Mac OS X 10.4.10 and the latest open-source version of the same program.

Miller said that on July 31 Apple did update its version of Samba—but for the first time in two and half years, and the latest version still fell short of the current open-source version.

Open source is yet another vector for new attacks on Apple Macs.

They then worked with the Cupertino vendor to release a patch for the iPhone the day before the start of the annual Black Hat Briefings in Las Vegas earlier this month. In July, Miller and his colleagues at Independent Security Evaluators discovered the first known vulnerability within the Apple iPhone. But all that goodwill didn’t stop Miller from talking about pending problems lurking deep within the Mac OS. «Macs,» he said, «are as easy to hack as they are to use.»

Google figured that Instant would improve searches because it takes people 300 milliseconds between each keystroke, but only 30 milliseconds to glace at suggested results. Before Instant, it took people more than nine seconds on average to enter a term, according to the search engine.

Mr Smith split up with his first wife Tracey, 35, seven years ago and raised daughters Hannah and Joanne, 16, with his second wife Deb in Lutterworth, Leicestershire.

Some claim their reputation has suffered because of it and have sought redress in court.

Some love the feature, some hate it.

‘Our star’: Holly wells at a party, aged 7.

She and her best friend Jessica Chapman were murdered by Ian Huntley in the summer of 2002

She and her best friend Jessica Chapman were murdered by Ian Huntley in the summer of 2002″ class=»blkBorder» style=»max-width:100%» /> Users post comments that range from insults to sexual advances and threats of violence.

It has been heavily criticised by anti-bullying charities because it allows users to post anonymous comments or questions — often of a sexual or insulting nature.

Anybody who registered with any of Gawker’s sites—Gawker, Gizmodo, Jezebel, Lifehacker, io9, Jalopnik, Kotaku, Deadspin and Fleshbot—is at risk, unless they logged in using Facebook Connect, according to an FAQ on Lifehacker.

Anyone can download the 500MB file to look for their e-mail address in clear text, but it will take bandwidth and time. The exposed data includes a bunch of e-mail addresses of workers at federal, state, and local government agencies, that PBS Newshour reports appear to have been separated out for possible future attacks.

How do I find out if my personal information is in the data file? HD Moore, chief security officer of Rapid7, created a way for people to easily check to see if their information was compromised. First, you need to create a cryptographic hash of your e-mail address and enter it as lowercase here. Then search for that hash here by clicking on «show options» and setting the condition to MD5 = YourHash and click » Directory Proxy apply.» If you find an entry in the table that matches your MD5 hash, then your Gawker account has been breached. He did this by creating hashes, or unique values, for each of the e-mail addresses to protect the privacy but allow people to easily see if their information is in the list. More information is on the Rapid7 blog.